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Module5 Unit1 单元基础过关检测

发布时间:2018/10/11 10:39:01 作者:邵红 浏览量:930次

Module 5 Unit1 晨早读过关检测


Module 5 Unit1 晨早读过关检测

  1. 背叛

  2. 假装,装扮

  3. 争吵,争执(n/v

  4. 发誓

  5. 极佳的,卓越的

  6. 集中

  7. 步伐,节奏

  8. 方式,举止

  9. 恐怖的,糟糕的

  10. 健壮的

  11. 责备

  12. 道歉(n)

  13. 尴尬的,别扭的

  14. 内疚的,有罪的

  15. 羡慕,嫉妒

  16. 间谍,监视

  17. 残忍的

  18. 敏感的,体贴的

  19. 乞求

  20. 小测验

  21. Mailbox

  22. 娱乐,消遣

  23. 身份

  24. identify

  25. 荒唐的

  26. 熟人

  27. 公寓

  28. 态度

  29. 扎根于

  30. 小心的,谨慎的

  31. 迫切的,急切的

  32. 青春期的

  33. circus

  34. 回应(n

  35. 回应(v

  36. 复习,修订(n

  37. 安全

  38. 宽恕,仁慈

  39. trolleybus

  40. 停顿










50.admission tickets

Module 5 Unit1 晨早读过关检测


1相处                                 16. 做某事而告终

Module 5 Unit1 晨早读过关检测

2. 持不同态度

3. 基于,扎根于

4. 为基础

5. 共同的情感和相互支持

6. 某人有可能做某事




10. 不顾,不管              

11.turn into

12. as a result

13. as a result of

14. 被录取,被允许进入

15. 介意做某事




20. 总而言之

21. 回忆,回顾              

22. ……分歧   in _________   _______

23.get through(3)






29. at the mercy of


Module 5 Unit1 晨早读过关检测


  1. We are both very ____________(勤奋的) and always _________ ________ ________(取得好成绩) at school.

  2. I _____ ______ _____(肯定听起来) very _____ (骄傲的)of myself after the quiz.

  3. The next day after class, my math teacher told me that I had _______ ________ __________ (最差的成绩) in the class!

  4. I ___________(祈求,恳求)her not ___________tell anyone else ,and she said she would__________ _________ __________ (保守我的秘密).

  5. I thought that Hannah _________ _________ _________ (肯定告诉) my classmates about my grade after _________ (许诺) not _______.

6 .I was ______ ___ (决定)win, but Matthew was playing badly.

7. He __________ _________(变得气恼) ,saying it _____  _____ ____(不是他的错) if he couldnt play as well as me, and that I shouldnt talk to him ______ ______ _______(用这种方式).

8. Yesterday, I _______ him ______(看见他正在交谈)to another boy,Peter,and I __________ __________ ____________(情不自禁的想知道) if he wants Peter to be his best friend __________ __________(而不是)me.

9. In fact, many ____________ (青春期的)males cannot _________(说出)a single best friend. ________ ________ (当被问的时候), they usually __________(犹豫) before__________ (回答),My best friend? I can’t think about that……

10. Friendships between girls are usually _________ ____(基于) shared feeling and support, but friendships between boys are based on ______ activities or interests.

11. I cant imagine___________   ____________ _______________ it(没有它)

12.The ___________ (品质) that boys and girls ___________ _________(认为重要) in a friend seem to be the same, ________ _______(不管,不顾) the_________(基础,基准)of these friendships.

13.I ________ ________(……结束) _______(回到) to the train station and _________(度过) the rest of the day in the waiting room.

14. Once I _______ _______ ______ _______(和某人争吵) Jenny,and she ________ _________ _______ _________ ________(做出较残忍比的评价) me.

15.Friendhip means_______ ________ _______(独自一人) Friendship means ______(拥有) someone _____ ____ ___ ___ (我可以依靠)Friendship means__________  ___________  ______ ___________(对他人尽心尽力)



Friends are those people who come into our lives and leave footprints in such a way that we are never ever the same again. They are people who walk in when others walk out. Friends enrich our lives. Friendship is the most special relationship of all that we possess in our entire lives, for it is the foundation and base of all. Friendship Day is celebrated to honor the true spirit of being “friends forever”. It gives us an opportunity to display our feelings and make our friends feel special and great.

International or National Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of August every year. On Friendship Day, the great feeling for friends is expressed in various ways, such as gifts, cards, flowers, poems, thoughts, friendship quotes, friendship SMS, cookies, chocolates, souvenirs, a tape of favorite songs, dinners and welcome balloons.

Friendship Day is a great day to express our appreciation for our schoolmates, colleagues, siblings, partners, parents, neighbors and cyber friends, in short all those who have played the role of a friend in different stages of our lives.


1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;

2. 用约120个单词说明你认为应如何建立或发展友谊。

Friends make a big difference to our life. On Friendship Day, we often show our appreciation for our friends in various ways and make contact with our long-lost friends.

 Friends are priceless treasures of our life. When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys. To develop a friendship, being honest should be put in the first place. No one is willing to make friends with dishonest people. What’s more, we’d better learn to be more tolerant. No two people are exactly the same in the world. Conflicts cannot be avoided, so it’s better for us to learn to solve problems in a wise way. Last but not least, always remember a basic rule — never do to others what we would not like them to do to ourselves. Only in this way can we develop true and long friendships.

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