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Mudule5 Unit1 Revision

发布时间:2018/10/11 10:41:05 作者:邵红 浏览量:866次

2018-2019学年高二年级第一学期英语导学案 编号8

Module 5Unit 1 Revision

Step one:  Lead in

Question: Have you ever quarreled with your friends?


Step Two:  Passage Review

Secrets and lies

I feel ________ by my friend Hannah. On Monday, we had a surprise math quiz, yet I failed. I was so ________ that I didn’t want others to know that. So, I _________ to be cheerful, but Hannah ________ something was wrong. I told her the truth and _________ how badly I had done. I begged her not to tell anyone else and she said she would keep my _______. To my surprise, the next day, I noticed that my classmates were all staring at me. I was really upset and felt like crying. I thought Hannah ______ have told others about my grade after _________ not to. I went straight to her and _______ her for not keeping her word. She said she hadn’t, but I didn’t believe her. I don’t think I can ever truly_______ her.

A friendship in trouble

   I have a problem___1___my best friend Matthew has stopped talking to me. Last week, we had a match __2__ another school. Matthew was playing badly. He couldn't keep pace with the game, and as a result of his careless playing, we lost.

  I thought he was not trying hard enough and he got __3__, saying it wasn’t his fault  and I shouldn’t talk to him in this manner. Then we both started shouting at each other. He __4__ me of some really bad things just to hurt me. I feel really __5__ because I made some cruel __6__ too, but I can’t ___7___ seeing our team lose. Yesterday, I saw him talking to another boy, and I can’t help __8___ if he wants the boy to be his best friend instead of me. What should I do?

1. A. which                B. that                 C. what           D. /

2. A. for                  B. with                  C. up           D. against

3. A. upset                B. sad                  C. ashamed       D. annoyed

4. A. accused              B. charged               C. blamed         D. accumulated

5. A. angry               B. embarrassed           C. guilty           D. cool

6. A. remarks             B. marks                 C. praises        D. quotations

7. A. deny                 B. tolerate              C. avoid            D. quit

8. A. to realize            B. figure               C. knowing         D. wondering

Step three: language focus

Core words

1. ______ (vt. /vi. )承认; 允许进入, 接纳__________ (n. )承认; 录取, 允许进入

2. _______ (vt. ) 原谅, 宽恕__________(n. )原谅, 宽恕

3. _________ (vi. ) 道歉_______ (n. )道歉

4. _____ (adj. ) 内疚的; 有罪的____ (n. ) 过失; 内疚

5. __________ (n. ) 娱乐, 消遣______ (vt. ) 娱乐, 消遣, 使发笑; 使愉快

6. ________ (adj. )小心的, 谨慎的_______ (adv. )小心地, 谨慎地______ (n. )小心, 谨慎; 警告

8. ______ (n. ) 宽恕; 仁慈______ (adj. )仁慈的, 宽容的

Important Phrases

1. 假装做某事______________          2.暗中监视, 窥探_______________

3.决心做某事__________________      4(与……)步调一致, (……)同步_____________

5. 评论, 发表议论______________      6. 向某人道歉______________

7. cannot help doing sth. _______________ 8. be based on __________

9. in conclusion __________            10. be cautious about __________________________

11. regardless of__________            12. rely on _______________

Complete the following sentences using the phrases you have learnt in this unit.

1. 他们彼此好几天没有说话了,一定是吵架了。

They _______ ________ _______ ______ each other, for they haven’t talked with each other for several days.

2. 我认为你不应该当众指出你朋友的错误。

I don’t think you should point out your friend’s mistake ______ ________/________.

3. 地震后, 他尝试很多次给父母打电话,但是都没接通.

After the earthquake, he tried to call his parents many times, but he couldn’t ______ ______.

4. 听到这个令人激动的消息, 我们每一个人都因高兴而情不自禁地哭了.

 Upon hearing the exciting news, every one of us _______ _________crying with joy.

5. 友谊意味着对他人尽心尽力。

Friendship means being _______ _______ others.

6. 父母应设法劝阻子女吸烟。

Parents should try to __________ their children ________ smoking.


Often arguing with JackI can't ______ ______ ______ him.

Step Four: Discussion and Writing

FRIENDSHIP is part of the Harry Potter series. So we all suppose that the three actors behind Harry, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are as close friends in real life as they are on screen – after all, they have spent 10 years shooting films together. But thats simply not true, according to recent revelations (透露) by the actors themselves.
  Daniel Radcliffe (Harry), 22, who played the boy wizard, delivered some shocking news to all Harry Potter fans in an interview with the Sunday Mirror – he and his co-star Rupert Grint (who plays Ron) are barely friends. “Emma (Watson, who plays Hermione) and I text all the time but Rupert and I never text each other,” said Radcliffe. “If I see him every six months or so, it’s a friendly ‘hello, how are you’, but that’s all about it.”

1. According to the news, are Harry, Ron and Hermione good friends in real life?


2. How does Daniel keep in touch with Emma?


Sometimes in life, you find a special friend,

Someone who changes your life just by being part of it;

Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop;

Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world;

Someone who convinces you that there is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.

This is Forever Friendship.

3. Read the short poem above and discuss with your partner and finish the following sentence.

A special friend is someone  ___________________________________________________

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