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Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others

发布时间:2018/10/11 10:55:05 作者:邵红 浏览量:9675次

Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others




21.Sometimes _____ we’re aware that time is limited and that there’re always things waiting for us to achieve, it’s worthwhile taking a break before the next journey.

A. as thoughB. even thoughC. since   D. unless

22.Very little is known about the new candidate — what _____ of man is he?

A. mannerB. habitC. focusD. pace

23. What’s the point of shouting at me like: “It’s you who are _____ for this accident”?

A. blamingB. to blameC. being blamedD. to have blamed

24.Airline companies require that all cases be checked before passengers are _____ into the waiting rooms.

A. organizedB. drivenC. admittedD. absorbed

25.Since babies’ skins are very _____, mothers usually buy clothes made of very soft materials so they won’t cause any discomfort to them.

A. paleB. loose  C. healthy D. sensitive

26.Professor Li believes that _____ is a “destructive emotion” which leads people to chase power and money.

A. envyB. horrorC. angerD. hate

27.In the discussion, students are advised to freely express _____ they feel about the topic without worrying about whether others are going to like what they say or not.

A. how   B. when   C. that    D. why

28.If experiments are carried out according to plan as _____ as the reports in the science journals indicate, then it is perfectly appropriate for researchers to look forward to producing expected results.

A. sincerelyB. thoughtfullyC. faithfullyD. skillfully

29.The man had a newspaper open in front of him, which he _____ to read. I knew he was spying on me.

A. would pretendB. had pretended

C. was pretendingD. had been pretending

30.If you are looking to begin your own company, it _____ you to determine whether to start a physical store or open an online store.

A. lies withB. belongs toC. appeals toD. stays with

31.Having received the apology from her close friend, Martha decided to forgive him who _____ her before.

A. has betrayedB. had betrayed

C. would betrayD. has been betraying

32.The defendant said he had not received a fair trial and that he had nothing to do with the crimes _____ he was accused.

A. thatB. of which

C. from whichD. what

33.My pain _____ obvious the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked: “Are you feeling all right?”

A. must beB. might beC. must have beenD. might have been

34.The child, who broke his father’s mobile phone, with tears in his eyes, begged his father _____ angry.

A. to be notB. being notC. not to beD. not being

35.—In this day and age, women can have both children and a job.

—_____. It’s great to have the two combined.

A. That’s not the point   B. You can say it again  

C. I don’t think so D. It depends



We’ve been hearing about it for years, and the bookless library has finally arrived. At Drexel University’s new Library Learning Terrace, there are no bound volumes (装帧好的书卷), just rows of computers and plenty of seating offering 36 to the Philadelphia University’s 170 million 37 items. Scott Erdy, designer of the new library, says open and flexible (灵活的) space, in which the furniture is 38 and the walls act as one giant whiteboard, 39 students and staff “knowledge transfer (转移)”. “We don’t just house books; we house 40 ,” she says.

The trend was started, naturally, by 41 , when Kansas State University’s engineering library went primarily bookless in 2000. Later, Stanford University 42 all but 10,000 printed volumes from its new engineering library, making 43 for large tables and study areas.

But when books disappear, does a library 44 its definition?

“The library is a societal tent pole (支柱),” says Michael Connelly, a best-selling author. “There are a lot of 45 under it. Push over the pole and the tent 46 .” Connelly says that looking through 47 books brings inspiration of the kind that led him from 48 his campus library straight to a(n) 49 career. “Can something like that happen in a bookless library? I’m not so sure,” he says.

Some designers also 50 the trend towards going bookless. They believe “books 51 knowledge, and finding a balance in a library would be a good thing.”  52 other designers, like Rem Koolhaas who designed the Seattle Central Library, seem inspired by the 53 presented by a world going bookless. His “book spiral (螺旋形藏书区)” can 54 over 1 million books while open floor space is for the “equal presentation” of new media. For most people, however, it is probably best if paper and electronic 55 are both available.

36. A. supportB. accessC. guidanceD. solution

37. A. printedB. personal C. electronicD. selected

38. A. comfortableB. practicalC. mobileD. stylish

39. A. expectsB. advisesC. promisesD. allows

40. A. memoryB. learningC. beliefD. hope

41. A. artistsB. authorsC. engineersD. chemists

42. A. removedB. purchasedC. returnedD. covered

43. A. timeB. applicationC. supplyD. room

44. A. establishB. fitC. narrowD. express

45. A. feelingsB. dreamsC. chancesD. ideas

46. A. turns awayB. stays upC. falls downD. breaks out

47. A. academicB. physicalC. best-sellingD. newly-published

48. A. equippingB. studyingC. wanderingD. constructing

49. A. designing B. actingC. writingD. teaching

50. A. mournB. approveC. followD. create

51. A. testB. protectC. gatherD. represent

52. A. As B. OrC. IfD. But

53. A. challengeB. decisionC. impressionD. fight

54. A. borrowB. houseC. renewD. review

55. A. versionsB. goodsC. remainsD. media




Indeed Machine Learning CodeSprint

July 31st — August 7th 2017

Competition starts at 9AM PDT / 4PM UTC /

8:30PM IST.

The Challenge

Indeed is the world’s No. 1 job site, serving 200 million visitors each month in more than 60 countries and 28 languages. What started as a job search engine has become a destination for job seekers and employers, a place where people share resumes, learn about companies and apply for jobs on any device. With the job seekers’ experience at the core of all decision-making, its culture is built around the mission, “I help people get jobs.”

Join our CodeSprint for the chance to solve a real-world machine learning problem based on the site’s data. Indeed is recruiting (招募) machine learning specialists of all levels to join our data science teams in the United States and most countries in Asia. We are looking to grow our teams with people who share our energy and enthusiasm for offering the best experience to job seekers.


1st-10th Place: Indeed branded hoodies (连帽衫)

11th-30th Place: Indeed branded T-shirts


1. This is an individual participation competition.

2. You can code (编码) using our interface (界面), which currently supports over 40 major languages. If you are not yet familiar with our platform, check out Solve Me First to acquaint yourself with it.

3. Please refrain from (避免) discussing strategy during the competition.

4. All submissions are checked by a plagiarism (抄袭) detector. Any case of code plagiarism will disqualify both users from the competition.

5. Prizes will be awarded to those participants who have given permission to share their information with Indeed.

6. Current Indeed employees are not qualified for prizes.

7. Please wait 6-8 weeks after the competition for your prizes.

For more information, visit Indeed.com.

56.We can know from the passage that Indeed _____.

A.provides services for job seekers

B.supports over 40 languages

C.runs branch offices in more than 60 countries

D.is recruiting someone to design the plagiarism detector

57. What can we learn about the Indeed Machine Learning CodeSprint competition?

A.It will last for one week.

B.It is a contest involving teamwork.

C.Indeed employees are encouraged to participate.

D.Competitors are expected to share their information with Indeed.


Since adopting Ai Xin from southern China in 2004, Dianne and her husband, Jeff, have also adopted the culture of their daughter's homeland. They kept Ai Xin's birth name, got her learning Chinese at the age of three and sent her to a school where half the class is Chinese. The Melbourne-based Darts also dress in traditional costume to celebrate Chinese New Year, have hung Chinese art on their walls, and are planning their fifth trip back to China as a family.

In recent years, Australian parents who dream of adopting are increasingly looking overseas. Once parents have successfully adopted from abroad, there comes a responsibility to keep ties with the culture the child comes from. Adoption experts say it's crucial for a child's self-respect and sense of identity.

Authorities consider it so important for adopted children to grow up with an appreciation of their birth culture that the Victorian government requires parents to do projects on the country they wish to adopt from, while it is illegal in New South Wales (NSW) to change the child's birth name. Parents who have shown a special interest in the country — such as living or working there — can also be placed closer to the front of the adoption queue.

The Darts are part of the Families with Children from China (FCC) support group, which holds an annual camp where children learn to make dumplings. Through FCC, Ai Xin has made friends with girls who were adopted from the same orphanage (孤儿院) as her.

“She loves being with other girls from China just like her,” Dianne says. “It's a really big thing seeing all those familiar faces. It makes her feel good about herself.”

Adoption expert Lucy Burns says it is essential for parents to join adoption support groups, particularly to guard against children rejecting their cultural heritage (遗产) as they get older. “It's about creating security for the child by having a shared adoption experience and a shared cultural background,” she says. “If they make their own friends through the support group, there is less rejection of the culture.”

58.Why does NSW forbid parents to change their adopted children's birth name?  

A.To keep the children's ties with their cultural heritage.  

B.To examine how interested in the country the parents are.  

C.To limit the number of adopted children from abroad.  

D.To make sure Australian culture is well protected.

59.What can be learned about Ai Xin?

A. She has been back to China five times.

B. She volunteers at FCC every month.

C. She studies at a Chinese school.

D. She enjoys the activities at FCC.  

60.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. No rejection of your heritage

B. Adopting your child's culture

C. More children adopted from abroad

D. Problems of adopting internationally


Friendship is above reason, for, though you find virtues (美德) in a friend, he has been your friend before you find them. It is a gift that we offer because we must; to give it as the reward of virtue would be to set a price upon it, and those who do that have no friendship to give. If you choose your friends on the grounds that you are virtuous and want virtuous company, you are no nearer to true friendship than if you choose them for commercial reasons. Besides, who are you that you should be setting a price upon your friendship? It is enough for any man that he has the power of making friends, and he must leave it to that power to determine who his friends shall be, for, though you may choose the virtuous to be your friends, they may not choose you. It comes, like sleep, when you are not thinking about it; and you should be grateful, without any misgiving, when it comes.

So no man who knows what friendship is will give up a friend because he turns out to be disreputable (声名狼藉的). His only reason for giving up a friend is that the friend has stopped caring for him; and, when that happens, he should blame himself for this poverty (缺乏) of affection, not the friend for having proved unworthy.

We have our judgments and our punishments as part of the political mechanism that is forced upon us so that we may continue to live, but friendship is not friendship at all unless it teaches us that these are not part of our real life. It is only in the warmth of friendship that we see how cold a thing it is to judge and how stupid to take a pleasure in judging, for we recognize this warmth as a positive good, a richness in our natures, while the coldness that sets us judging is a poverty.

There are men who cannot be friends except when they are under an illusion (幻觉) that their friends are perfect, and when the illusion passes there is an end of their friendship. But true friendship has no illusions, for it reaches to that part of a man’s nature that is beyond his imperfections, and in doing so it takes all of them for granted (认为……理应如此). A man is your friend, not because of his superiorities (优秀), but because there is something open from your nature to his, a way that is closed between you and most men.

  — A. Clutton-Brock

61.What is the author’s attitude towards choosing friends on the grounds of their virtues?

A. Concerned.  B. Uncertain.  C. Disapproving.  D. Cautious.  

62.According to the author, you may give up your friend only when he _____.

A. becomes disreputable

B. shows no care for you

C. blames you for not caring about him

D. does something bad and hurts your feelings

63.What can we infer from Paragraph 3?

  A. The political mechanism plays an important role in our life.

  B. Friendship teaches us to have a positive attitude towards life.

  C. Friendship can turn us into kind-hearted people.

  D. We should not make a judgment about others.

64.According to the last paragraph, a man becomes your friend mainly because _____.

A. he gives you the illusion of perfection

B. he holds an open attitude towards you

C. both of you are imperfect

D. both of you understand each other


Young children across the globe enjoy playing the game of hide-and-seek. It’s extremely exciting for children to escape someone else’s glance and make themselves “invisible (隐形的)”. However, developmental psychologists and parents continue to witness that before school age, children are remarkably bad at hiding. They often cover only their face and eyes with their hands, leaving the rest of their bodies exposed. For a long time, this ineffective hiding strategy was interpreted as evidence that young children are hopelessly egocentric (以自我为中心的) creatures. Psychologists have theorized that preschool children cannot distinguish their own perspective (视角) from someone else’s. Conventional wisdom has it that children falsely assume that others see the world the same way they themselves do. But research in cognitive (认知的) developmental psychology is starting to throw doubt on this notion of childhood egocentrism.

We brought young children between the ages of two and four into our Minds in Development Lab at University of Southern California so we could investigate this assumption. Our surprising results contradict the idea that children’s poor hiding skills reflect their egocentric nature. In our study, each child sat down with an adult who covered her own eyes or ears with her hands. We then asked the child whether or not she could see or hear the adult. Surprisingly, children denied that they could. The same thing happened when the adult covered her own mouth: Now children denied that they could speak to her.

A number of control experiments ruled out the possibility that the children were confused or misunderstood what they were being asked. The results were clear: Our young subjects comprehended the questions and knew exactly what was asked. Their negative responses reflected their genuine belief that the other person could not be seen, heard, or spoken to when her eyes, ears, or mouth were obstructed.

So what was going on? It seems like young children consider mutual eye contact a requirement for one person to be able to see another. Our findings suggest that when a child “hides” by putting a blanket over her head, this strategy is not a result of egocentrism. In fact, children believe this strategy effective when others use it. Built into their notion of visibility, then, is the idea of bidirectionality (双向性): Unless two people make eye contact, it is impossible for one to see the other. Contrary to egocentrism, young children simply insist on mutual recognition and regard. Children’s demand for this demonstrates that they are not at all egocentric.

Their faulty judgments — saying that others whose eyes are covered cannot be seen — reveal just how much children’s perception (理解) of the world is colored by others. The seemingly irrational way in which children try to hide from others and the negative answers they gave in our experiment show that children feel unable to relate to a person unless the communication flows in both ways — not only from me to you but also from you to me, so we can communicate with each other as equals.

Our findings underscore (强调) children’s natural desire and preference for mutual engagement between individuals. Children expect and strive to create situations in which they can be involved with others. At least in this respect, young children understand and treat other human beings in a manner that is not at all egocentric. On the contrary, their insistence on mutual regard is remarkably mature and can be considered inspirational. Adults may want to turn to these preschoolers as role models when it comes to perceiving and understanding other humans. These young children seem aware that we all share a common nature as people who are in constant interaction with others.

65.The author presents Paragraph 1 mainly by _____.

A. drawing a comparison

B. testing an assumption

C. challenging a traditional theory

D. describing the scene of a game

66.According to Paragraph 1, preschoolers believe they are invisible when they cover their own eyes because _____.

A.they are misled by their parents

B.they confuse their perspective with that of others

C.they see other children doing so when playing hide-and-seek

D.they assume they have a special ability to make themselves invisible

67.The underlined word “contradict” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_____”.

A. are contrary to B. have an influence on

C. put into practiceD. are in line with

68.Which of the following expresses the same meaning as the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?

A.Children said the adults could not see or hear.

B.Children said they could not see or hear the adult.

C.Children said they could not understand the researcher’s question.

D.Children said the researchers could not cover their eyes or ears.

69.What may serve as evidence that young children are not egocentric?

A. Their effective hiding strategy.    

B. Their natural desire for learning.

C. Their requirement of eye contact.        

D. Their preference for hiding themselves.

70.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.It’s important to satisfy children’s natural desire.

B.Children tend to treat others in a self-centered way.

C. Children become mature through interaction.

D.Adults don’t understand others as well as children.

第四部分:任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



When it comes to self-improvement and getting what you want from life, the message you’ll find in most self-help guides is that it all starts with the way you think and how you visualize (设想) yourself achieving your goals. Now generally this is something we can all agree on, and it only makes sense in that the way we think will affect the way we act and finally the outcome of our lives.

While it might sound like magic to say that our beliefs can shape our reality, it actually makes much sense when we think about it. The point is that all of our actions are dictated (命令) by our thoughts and all the outcomes we face are the results of our actions. By dealing with our beliefs we essentially change what we’re putting out into the world and this of course will change what comes back to us. This phenomenon is called the self-fulfilling prophecy (预言), which shows how simply believing something can make it come true.

Let’s say that you really believe you’re successful. Then, you’ll speak much more confidently in business meetings and presentations. Suddenly people will sit up and take notice of you because you look and act like you’re successful, and this will make them believe you’re an able worker. Then, just like that, you’ll find people start to trust you more and that they want to promote you.

Likewise if someone is sure that they’re going to have a bad day, then that too can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. You’ve probably been on a night out with people who don’t really want to be there. These people sap all the joy (扫兴) out of everything. They won’t smile so no one talks to them; they won’t dance so they can’t forget their worries and they focus on all the negative things. In such a situation they’ve created that unpleasant evening as a result of their thought processes.

Being aware of self-fulfilling prophecies however is all it takes to start using them effectively, and by changing your beliefs to more positive ones, you can start to make real positive changes in your life. For example, try to repeat some positive statements over and over until they become habitual. Saying things like “I’m highly talented” regularly will get you to the point where  without consciously trying to, you start to believe it. Besides, you should think about the language you use when you’re talking to others. For example, if you say “don’t fall over” to a child, you are drawing attention to the fact that he might fall over and this then causes him to trip. Instead, say “be careful” and you’ll have more positive results.

The self-fulfilling prophecy


It is a must to realize the (71) _____ between our thoughts and our actions, which can help to get our goals achieved.

Concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy

●Our actions are (72) _____ on our thoughts.

●If we believe something, it may become a(n) (73) _____.

Examples of the self-fulfilling prophecy

●Viewing yourself as a(n) (74) _____, you’ll behave more confidently and then people will believe you have (75) _____. As a result you will more probably be (76) _____ or promoted.

●If you are unwilling to take part in the evening activity, you won’t smile and will (77) _____ to do anything positive. Your (78) _____ on bad things will create an unpleasant evening for you and those around you.

Tips on using the self-fulfilling prophecy

●Develop a(n) (79) _____ of repeating positive statements.

●Use positive (80) _____ while talking to others.

第五部分:书面表达 (满分25分)



1. 表达你的歉意; 2. 解释原因; 3. 提出和好的请求。


1. 词数150左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。







21-25 BABCD26-30 AACCA31-35 BBCCB

36-40 BCCDB41-45 CADBD46-50 CBCCA51-55 DDABA

56-60 ADADB61-65 CBDDC66-70 BABCD

71. connection / link72. based / dependent73. reality74. success

75. ability / abilities76. trusted77. refuse78. focus79. habit

80. language / words / phrases / expressions

One possible version:

Dear Tom,

I’m writing to express my regret for quarreling with you yesterday.

Though we had different opinions at that time, I shouldn’t have been so rude to you. I was impatient to prove I was right and let you accept my point of view. After calming down, I realized that I should have controlled myself, carefully listened to you and tried to understand you.

We have been good friends for so long, and I don’t want to lose our friendship, so I’d like to have a talk with you if you have time this Sunday. I do hope you can forgive me and give me a chance to say sorry to you. I hope we can still be good friends just like we used to be. Whatever happens in the future, I promise I will keep calm.

I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



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